Our Wicker Weave


Our wicker furniture is woven using an industry leading high quality virgin synthetic wicker fibre, and comes with a 5 year residential-use warranty. Warranty does not apply to damage resulting from improper maintenance, misuse, negligence, or normal wear.

Our virgin wicker material is a polyethelene based, mono-extruded and vat-dyed synthetic fiber. It is durable, tear-proof and highly resistant to chlorine, salt water and UV rays (material colorfast to 4.5*). Also recyclable and toxin-free resin.

  • Tested in the laboratories of SGS with modified AATCC 16 Xenon-Arc lamp fading.

Tones in the virgin wicker weave may vary slightly from each piece, to create added definition and character to the furniture. We recommend the use of our E9 wicker furniture in weather between -20 degrees celsius to +55 degrees celsius surface temperature. Direct contact against heat lamps, lights, or other heat sources should be avoided.


To clean, simply wipe down or hose lightly using fresh water. Use a natural-based soap with a sponge or soft brush. We recommend washing furniture at least on a yearly basis. Do not clean using any type of abrasive agent or scouring pad, as scratches can remain on the surface. If scratches develop, the best way to remove them is by blowing hot air from a hair dryer on the affected spot to soften the material, and then smooth out the material using a soft cloth.


Glass tops are not recommended on top of wicker woven tabletops for regions that have temperatures of +40 degrees celsius or higher. The glass tops can potentially create a “lens effect” in the sunlight, which can soften and temporarily ripple the weave below the glass.